In 1920, in what would become one
of the most infamous and controversial studies in psychology, a pair of
researchers at Johns Hopkins University taught a little baby boy to fear a white
rat. For decades, the true identity and subsequent fate of this poor infant
nicknamed "Little Albert" has remained a mystery.
But recently this has
changed, thanks to the tireless detective work of two independent groups of
scholars. Now there are competing proposals for who Little Albert was and what
became of him. Which group is correct - the
one led by Hall Beck at Appalachian State University in North Carolina, or
the other led
by Russell Powell at MacEwan University in Alberta?
developments are so new they have yet to be fully documented in any textbooks.
Fortunately, Richard Griggs at
the University of Florida has written an accessible outline of the evidence
unearthed by each group. His overview will be published in the journal
Teaching of Psychology in January 2015, but the Research Digest has been
granted an early view.
The starting point for both groups of
academics-cum-detectives was that Little Albert is known to have been the son of
a wet nurse at John Hopkins. Hall Beck and his colleagues identified three wet
nurses on the campus in that era, and they found that just one of them had a
child at the right time to have been Little Albert. This was Arvilla Merritte,
who named her son Douglas. Further supporting their case, Beck's group found a
portrait of Douglas and their analysis suggested he looked similar to the
photographs and video of Little Albert and could well be the same
The Merritte line of enquiry was further supported, although
controversially so, when a clinical psychologist Alan Fridlund and his
colleagues analysed footage of Little Albert and deemed that he was
neurologically impaired. If true, this would fit with the finding that Douglas
Merritte's medical records show he had hydrocephalus ("water on the brain"). Of
course this would also mean that the Little Albert study was even more unethical
than previously realised.
Perhaps the most glaring short-coming of the
Merritte theory is why the original researchers John Watson and Rosalie Rayner
called the baby Albert if his true name was Douglas Merritte. Enter the rival
detective camp headed by Russell Powell. Their searches revealed that in fact
another of the John Hopkins' wet nurses had given birth to a son at the right
time to have been Little Albert. This child was William A. Barger, although he
was recorded in his medical file as Albert Barger. Of course, this fits the
nickname Little Albert (and in fact, in their writings, Watson and Rayner
referred to the child as "Albert B").
Also supporting the William Barger
story, Powell and his team found notes on Barger's weight which closely match
the weight of Little Albert as reported by Watson and Rayner. This is also ties
in with the fact that Little Albert looks healthily chubby in the videos
(Merritte, by contrast, was much lighter). Meanwhile, other experts have
criticised the idea of diagnosing Little Albert as neurologically impaired based
on a few brief video clips, further tilting the picture in favour of the Barger
interpretation. Indeed, summing the evidence for each side, Griggs decides in
favour of Powell's camp. "Applying Occam's razor to this situation would
indicate that Albert Barger is far more likely to have been Little Albert," he
What do the two accounts mean for the fate of Little Albert? If
he was Douglas Merritte, then the story is a sad one - the boy died at age six
of hydrocephalus. In contrast, if Little Albert was Willam Barger, he in fact
lived a long life, dying in 2007 at the age of 87. His niece recalls that he had
a mild dislike of animals. Was this due to his stint as an infant research
participant? We'll probably never know.
Richard Griggs (2015). Psychology's Lost Boy: Will The Real Little
Albert Please Stand Up? Teaching of
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